
November 23, 2024

“Basically, the people who win are the people who manage to make things the most inconvenient for you” — Richard Greenblatt

November 13, 2024

I love watching/listening interviews with Brian Kernighan but… Please Mr. Kernighan, buy some good microphone ;-)

November 4, 2024

Flirting a little bit with Zed Editor.

I’m so glad that vim motions are first class citizen there, so I can easily mix all my favorite movement (VSCode + vim). It’s also probably the best looking editor so far, very minimal and snappy (for now, heh). The way how themes change the overall appearance is something that I’d implement if I only wish to create an editor by myself.

Another thing is how it consumes computer’s resources. It seems that it handles it better than VSCode, but sometimes it can spawn so many unnecessary node sub-processes that I need to do a hard reset. Because of that I had to turn off manually (which is a little painful) few language servers that I don’t need, like: tailwindcss-language-server which comes enabled by default.

When it comes to marketing, it feels that they trying to sell Zed through AI features right now (before they were pitching it as a collaborative editor — like Figma, but for the developers), because everyone is doing it… Personally I don’t need any of it, I just want to have a minimal, fast, reliable editor without Electron inside.

Also the way how Zed handles LSPs and extensions really bugs me at the moment… I feel that I — as a user — don’t have any control over it… I hope they will change it.

The good thing though is that everything is open source and it’s kinda cool that Thorsten Ball (subscribe to his newsletter Register Spill) works on Zed.

So right now I’m trying Zed, but still have vim opened on the side…

October 28, 2024

Clicking on the “Explore” tab on X was a mistake. The level of human’s stupidity on this platform is daunting… And the saddest part is that these people live among us.

Some say that living in a bubble/silo is a bad thing, but seriously? Seeing all of this garbage is so depressing…

Nothing new, but still shocking.

September 18, 2024

More and more companies switch back to the offices ditching remote work… and that’s good. At first I was sad that things have changed so fast, but now I think it’s OK. It’s OK because we’ll have less bullshit companies to filter out.